
WhatsApp & Contact Centre Cost Savings

Premier CX Team 16-Sep-2024 09:45:00 2 min read

Discovering savings: How the WhatsApp Business Platform transforms customer service costs

In the realm of customer service, contact centres play a pivotal role in managing customer interactions. However, they often come with significant operational costs.

Enter the WhatsApp Business Platform (also known as the WhatsApp API)- a game-changer in the way businesses handle customer service.

Let’s explore how this platform can lead to substantial savings for contact centres.


Reducing call volumes

Positive Contact Centre Experience

One of the most immediate benefits of the WhatsApp Business Platform is the reduction in call volumes.

By providing a messaging alternative, customers can reach out with queries and issues without picking up the phone.

This is crucial, as we now have 66% of online adults who prefer to message a business than call them, and WhatsApp allows them to do so efficiently.

This shift from voice to text can lead to a noticeable decrease in the number of incoming calls, allowing contact centres to handle more interactions with the same number of agents.


Asynchronous communication

WhatsApp enables asynchronous communication, meaning agents can handle multiple conversations simultaneously.

Unlike phone calls, which require real-time attention, messaging allows agents to manage several chats at once

In fact, companies shifting enquiries to digital messaging have seen a 54% improvement in agent productivity, highlighting its potential to streamline operations.


Lower infrastructure costs

Maintaining a contact centre infrastructure can be costly, with expenses related to telephony systems, hardware, and maintenance.

The WhatsApp Business Platform operates via a Meta hosted API, reducing infrastructure costs.

This shift also supports long-term customer retention, with 64% of customers staying loyal after engaging through WhatsApp messaging.


Decreased AHT (Average Handling Time)

Messaging tends to be more concise than phone conversations. With predefined replies, templates, rich media (such as video and documents)and automation, agents can resolve issues faster, leading to a decrease in average handling time (AHT).

A lower AHT means agents can handle more interactions in a given period, improving efficiency and reducing labour costs.

And automated workflows for common tasks such as information gathering, can save hours of agent time daily, further driving cost efficiencies.


24/7 availability without additional staffing

24/7 without additional staffing

The WhatsApp Business Platform supports automation and chatbots, which can provide 24/7 customer service without the need for additional staffing.

Common queries can be resolved through automated responses, reserving human agents for more complex issues.

This not only extends service hours without incurring overtime costs but also ensures customers receive immediate assistance.


Minimised training expenses

Training agents for phone support involves teaching soft skills, such as tone and call control, in addition to product knowledge.

Messaging, on the other hand, focuses more on written communication, which can be easier and faster to train. And Agent facing AI tools can make this even easier.

This can lead to reduced training times and costs, especially for seasonal or temporary staff.


Summary: A cost-effective solution

The WhatsApp Business Platform offers a cost-effective solution for customer service contact centres.

By shifting interactions to a messaging platform, businesses can reduce call volumes, lower infrastructure costs, and increase agent productivity.

The result is a more efficient operation with the potential for significant savings.

Embracing this technology not only meets the evolving preferences of customers but also aligns with the financial goals of the business.


For more information about Premier CX and our WhatsApp service, please get in touch.


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The Premier CX Team

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