How soon is TOO soon for Christmas music on hold?

Megan Lockhurst 29-Nov-2019 15:45:03 1 min read

The over use of Christmas on-hold and in-queue music may be BAD for your health!

You’d better watch out, you’d better not cry, because clinical studies have shown that Christmas music might actually be bad for our health!  That’s right, that Holly-Jolly Christmas playlist might lift our spirits to begin with, but are you aware that the over use of repetitive tracks can actually cause emotional stress when played too often and too early? 

Let’s face it, some years it feels as though seasonal music and merchandise arrives almost before the summer's done.  The moment that bobble hat comes out, we can be sure that a range of Christmas wrapping paper is on sale and ready for us all to bag a bargain.  However - how soon is too soon when it comes to introducing the festive music tracks?

Psychologist Linda Blair has found that there is actually an emotional reaction to Christmas music when it’s played. Depending on the individual, Christmas music can produce a negative response if the experience of “Christmas Past” was not good.  Blair also noted that the over use of music could cause callers to become overwhelmed, stressed and anxious over a long period of time hearing the same tracks.  Once those tunes start, the countdown begins and the emotional response can be enough to make us feel physically unwell. 

It’s important to maintain a healthy balance when it comes to a music selection - especially around the holidays.  Creating the perfect experience for your callers is extremely important and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune.  As well as the good old favourite tracks that get rolled out every year, festive-feel licence-free music might also be a good option. No PRS/PPL licences are needed and you get away from the possibility of overly familiar music having the opposite effect to the desired lifting of the spirits.  Exciting new Christmas tracks which haven’t been over played can be added into the mix of quality produced playlists and a good variety of songs will help produce the perfect experience for your callers. 

So, avoid becoming a grinch this Christmas and give the gift of great music for less!


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Megan Lockhurst

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