Music on hold IVR Caller journey mapping

The Art Of Good Conversation

Premier CX Team 15-Mar-2022 09:51:50 2 min read

The Art of Good Conversation

There’s quite a difference between writing copy and writing a script you want to have recorded. Knowing that, allows you to effectively adapt your wider marketing to the audio used in your Contact Centre. In doing so, you open up the potential of your in-queue and on-hold spaces to inform and engage callers, using that most natural form of human communication - the spoken word.


To help you out, here are some simple tips...


Remember the script will be read out loud. What happens when you try to read standard copy like this? Chances are you’ll very quickly be out of breath. That’s because we write longer sentences than we use in conversation. Use shorter sentences and put in more punctuation than you’d use for written copy. Read your own script out loud and you’ll quickly get a feel for where you need pauses and emphasis.


Brand tone of voice should also be locked into everything you script. It dictates the words you can use during an interaction and how it’s said. In this case, the voice you choose also impacts the presentation, because they become the persona your callers associate with your organisation. They should be on-brand too.


Be careful, also, not to confuse Brand tone of voice with jargon. Faceless organisations use jargon; internalised, exclusive language that customers don’t understand. It distances and de-humanises.


Being human is important because it builds connections, and it’s relatively simple to keep that conversational, human factor in your scripts:


Shorter is sweeter

Humans use linguistic contractions, so avoid words like, “We will”, “It is”, and “cannot”. Instead use, “we’ll”, “it’s”, “can’t”.


Say it plain

Your message needs to be simple and straightforward. If you read your script and it befuddles you, then a customer has no hope at all. It’s even better if you can get someone else to look it over, who doesn’t know what the message is about. If they get it, you’re probably on the right track.


Go Professional

I glanced over this above, but it’s a biggie: A professional, well-produced voice artist makes the world of difference. The most fluent, conversational script in the world can be ruined by the wrong voice. Professional voice artists supply added clarity and credibility. A comfort factor for your caller that they’re in safe hands, and you care enough to invest in this communication channel.


Your aim is to communicate with callers using familiar language, in your tone of voice. Saying what you mean clearly and consistently across all your touchpoints, helps build loyalty and trust. It reinforces your brand, enhances customer experience and more effectively communicates your key message.


If you would like to read more, check out our 'The Art of Good Conversation' article or many other great reads in The Good CX Guide or give us a call at Premier CX. 

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Premier CX Team

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