Blog | Premier CX

Legal Compliance Length Increases by 60%

Written by Christiane Hofmann | 24-Sep-2015 14:20:59

 Hand on heart how often do you read EVERY word of that new insurance policy you’ve just signed-up to? Well the answer is probably not often, but it doesn’t help when you discover that over the last couple of years the average length of these policy documents has increased by an incredible 60%

A study by Which? found that most insurance policies are now averaging 23,000 words in their legal compliance documents, that’s about 100 pages of your typical paperback novel! Staggeringly the longest policy was nearly 40,000 words long. 

When you consider that today we’ve never had as little spare time to devote to things like this, surely the risk of missing the ‘small print’ has never been greater?

It doesn’t have to be that way…

We will happily review your documents and help to compress them into shorter, easier to read information. We’ll make them customer-friendly, jargon free, and reflective of the brand the documents are supposed to represent. Oh, and before you ask, we back up all our recommendations with real legal guidance from experts in compliance law. So rest assured we’ll make your written communications something you can be proud of.

To speak to us about our legally compliant written word guidance call us on 0345 071 1359 or if you prefer to write just send it to